The Career Renewal Ministry
We are meeting IN PERSON and ONLINE at St. Anne's Catholic Church, 340 10th Street at PCH, in Seal Beach, 90740. (free parking available). (This is a HYBRID meeting using Free Conference Call.) You may join using the FCC video or phone call capabilities!
For login information or questions, call Kathy Keller at: (714) 206-0885, or email at: keller.math@gmail.com or call Ted Rozolis at: (714) 330-5067.
- We are dedicated to helping all those who are unemployed, underemployed, or are considering career advancement or a career change.
What we offer at no cost to you!
- A program designed to help you find a job you will love
- A community of mutual support as you reach for your career goals
- All are welcome.
- PowerPoint Modules Link:
More Info? Kathy Keller at: (714) 206-0885, keller.math@gmail.com or Ted Rozolis at (714) 330-5067.
Mission: “Helping people learn the skills they need to find the job they’ll love”